We arrived! But it wasn’t easy. My trip started with a cancellation of my train due to personnel shortage. Following a detour I got an […]
Changing one sport for another
Sometimes it is time to stop. And I stopped on two occasions. I quit a semi-professional skateboarding career in favour of a full dedication to […]
Being rescued at La Grave
It typically takes two or more faults for things to go really wrong. Spacecraft are normally designed to be fault tolerant. If one system fails, […]
Hoher Dachstein
Sometimes the most beautiful things are just around the corner, and you don’t realise it. ‘Around the corner’ in this case means, the distance between […]
Being all by yourself, close to Mount Everest’s summit, higher than anyone has ever been before…
I guess ‘George Mallory’ and ‘Edmund Hillary’ are the common names that pop up when one describes the climbing history of Everest. For me though, […]
Can you really get lost on Mount Kozzy? Eh…yep…
Still over 1000 km’s to go. It’s already midnight and apart from trucks we seem to be the only car on the road. Every now […]
Cleaning up space versus cleaning up Everest: which is harder?
Cleaning up places that you can hardly see is something that is not only a rare topic of discussion, but also an unwanted topic when […]
Crazy and tiring pit stop at Dome de La Lauze
Sometimes there is a unique opportunity to do an activity and last week I saw one of them. My task: to bring a car to […]
A battle against fear of heights at Mount Baker
There I am sitting on the edge of a 100 feet deep crevasse, ready to throw myself into it. Fear of heights has haunted me […]
Testing gear, flying tents, and missing bunnies in Greenland
It is a strange sensation to take off in a dark evening, and land during a sunny night. But this is exactly what can happen […]